

Blog posts September 2023

Introduction In a global marked by chaos and uncertainty, the search for inner peace and spiritual fulfillment remains an amazing pursuit. Many individuals seek guidance and wisdom from various sources, including religion, philosophy, and self-help literature. One such source that has captured t...

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Introduction In the vast realm of spiritual teachings and self-help programs, "A Course in Miracles" (ACIM) stands as an extraordinary and transformative guide to finding inner peace and spiritual enlightenment. Developed through an intriguing story of divine inspiration and channeled wisdom, AC...

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Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of spirituality and personal growth, seekers are constantly looking for transformative experiences and teachings that can lead them to a deeper knowledge of themselves and the world around them. One profound teaching that has captured the hearts and mi...

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En un mundo lleno de estrés, ansiedad y desafíos, muchas personas buscan una guía espiritual que les ayude a encontrar la paz interior y el propósito en la vida. Una de las herramientas más poderosas para lograr esto es "Un Curso de Milagros" (UCDM). En este artículo, exploraremos qué es UCDM, c...

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Introducción En la búsqueda de significado y propósito en la vida, muchas personas recurren a diversas filosofías y enseñanzas espirituales. Una de las corrientes más influyentes en este ámbito es "Un Curso de Milagros" (UCDM). Este sistema de pensamiento, desarrollado por Helen Schucman y Willi...

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Introducción En el caótico y ajetreado mundo en el que vivimos, encontrar la paz interior y la claridad mental puede parecer una tarea desafiante. Sin embargo, existen enseñanzas y prácticas que nos guían en este viaje hacia la armonía interior. Una de estas poderosas herramientas es UCDM, o "Un...

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Introduction In a global filled up with stress, chaos, and uncertainty, many individuals are on a quest for inner peace and spiritual transformation. They seek guidance and wisdom to navigate the complexities of life and find a further sense of purpose and meaning. One remarkable source of such ...

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In A Course in Miracles, Jesus tells us that miracles should be involuntary and that they should not be under conscious control. (T-1.I.5) When we find ourselves being happy for no earthly reason, or we are in a flow, that is the miracle! You can yield into it, but you cannot control it. All tha...

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A Course In Miracles Videos

In A Course in Miracles, Jesus tells us that miracles should be involuntary and that they should not be under conscious control. (T-1.I.5) When we go on this Inner journey, we think that we need to learn and understand a lot, that we need to understand what God is. Yet, when we go into this mysti...

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